Clash of clans barbarian sword
Clash of clans barbarian sword

clash of clans barbarian sword clash of clans barbarian sword

Note that this strategy is far less effective if splash damage defenses are in the area, as they will damage all Barbarians at once and destroy them relatively quickly.

clash of clans barbarian sword

  • Barbarians can act as a “poor man’s” distracting troop in a similar fashion to Giants while they have far less health individually, a group of five Barbarians (the same housing requirement as one Giant) has approximately 75% of the health as a similar-level Giant while doing nearly 4 times the damage (and costing approximately 20-25% of the elixir to train).
  • If a Mortar is exposed and otherwise undefended, a single Barbarian can easily destroy it as Mortars cannot target troops which are close to them.
  • They are good to take out lone buildings, like builders huts placed far away to prevent full destruction.
  • The Barbarian has no preferred target when attacking he will simply attack the closest building to him.
  • clash of clans barbarian sword

    This is balanced by the fact that the Barbarians are not very effective under heavy fire from splash damaging buildings. Large hordes are very effective as they will quickly destroy anything in their path.Players sometimes spread Barbarians to avoid them all being picked off in one group by a Mortar or a Wizard Tower as these Defensive Buildings deal splash damage.Barbarians are weak when breaking through walls and a group will tend to target multiple walls (if you do not follow the strategy above) so it is advisable to use Wall Breakers or high damaging troops such as P.E.K.K.As to break through.If you want all your barbarians to attack 1 wall instead of multiple ones, you can place one barbarian to target a wall, and then drop the rest of your barbarians, and then they should all attack the same wall.Archers and Giants are commonly used to support Barbarians.

    Clash of clans barbarian sword