Other ships can dynamically join and leave this battleground, up to 100+ ships (depending on game design). When two ships enter combat, they are seamlessly instanced into a battleground. Ship combat relies mainly on piloting skill and ship balance. Players can choose between optional "assisted flight" computers for flying longer distances, and manual flight. Players can then have the new jump point named after themselves and sell its location on the galactic market. When a player discovers a new path, they will have to navigate the jump path manually before it can be saved into their navigation computer. Players will have a chance to discover new jump paths, and even entirely new systems. Players will use existing and known jump paths- wormholes- to travel between star systems. The primary methods of propulsion are thrusters, quantum drives and jump drives. The game engine will also simulate damage to these systems, making it possible for players to lose a thruster and have their flying inhibited accordingly. Ships are equipped with lateral thrusters that are required to turn the ship and reverse acceleration. Star Citizen features an accurate newtonian based physics engine. These mods will not work in the CIG controlled persistent universe. The game will include the option for private servers, and will offer modding tools for these servers at some point after launch. Star Citizen will have multiple game types, ranging from a permanent, persistent world similar to contemporary MMOs to an offline, single player campaign with drop-in-drop-out cooperative play. Ship upgrades will factor heavily into combat, but player skill will ultimately determine game performance. Star Citizen could feature gameplay similar to other Robert's space sims, abandoning the traditional MMO 'click to kill' system in favor of skill-based, space shooter mechanics. įor a summary of events leading up to the game, see the wiki article on the Timeline. The player will spend time in warzones and rise through the ranks, eventually earning UEE Citizenship. In the single player campaign, the player joins Squadron 42, a legendary volunteer unit assigned to the UEES Paul Steed (CV 023) of the 2nd Fleet of the United Empire of Earth Navy. Brian Chambers (Director of Development, Foundry 42 Frankfurt).Tony Zurovec (Persistent Universe Lead).Some notable current (known) developers for Cloud Imperium Games consists of:

Chris Roberts currently plans Star Citizen to remain DRM free. The game will initially be localized to English, French, German and Spanish with plans to handle other languages afterwards. 2012 shortly after the kickstarter on a modified version of Amazon Lumberyard which was forked from CryENGINE 3, and has no release date revealed.